Nutritious Foods to Have on Hand for a Senior in the Event of a Power Outage

Power outages are challenging at any time of the year, but they can be particularly difficult during the winter. As a family caregiver it is critical that you ensure your senior has everything they need to get through the challenge of the power outage in the healthiest and safest way possible. One aspect of this is making sure they have the proper emergency supplies, including food. While the first consideration in preparing for an emergency should always be water, having nutritious food available is also an important step in keeping your senior healthy and comfortable. During a power outage, emergency food supplies must be easy to prepare without the need for heat, and preferably without the need for water. Food must also be non-perishable and highly nutritious. Focusing on nutrient dense food provides energy the body needs to cope with challenging situations such as being cold. Experts recommend having at least a three day supply of food available for each person who may be in the home, such as your senior, you, and a senior care provider in the event that someone is with your parent at the time of the outage and is unable to leave the home.

Some nutritious foods to have on hand for a senior in the event of a power outage include:

Home Care in Spokane WA: Food To Have On Hand In Case of a Power Outage
Home Care in Spokane WA: Food To Have On Hand In Case of a Power Outage
  • Trail mix with nuts and dried fruit provide healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamins. Preferably, look for trail mixes without excess sugar.
  • Graham crackers with almond butter or cashew butter are a great, healthy way to satisfy a sweet tooth, but also provide protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
  • Saltine crackers and peanut butter is an alternative that is not as sweet but still offers the protein and fat essential for sustainable energy.
  • Dry cereal is a fantastic crunchy snack and provides vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.
  • Consider having dry milk available to mix with water to add to cereal.
  • Canned beans are usually eaten warm, but are delicious cold and can easily add texture and savory flavor to salads as your parent tries to use up raw vegetables they may already have. They can also be eaten by themselves for a high protein, high-fiber snack or meal.
  • Protein bars without excessive sugar are dense, filling, and often provide a high dose of protein as well as vitamins and minerals.

Assistance with personal care needs, mobility support, activities of daily living, transportation, medication reminders, and help around the house are just a few ways home care can help your parent. A senior home care services provider can be with your loved one on a customized schedule and ensures they have access to the care and support they need, when they need it, to make the most of these later years in life. As a family caregiver, this relieves stress and lets you know your parent is in the best hands whether you are there with them or not.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Spokane, WA, please contact the friendly staff at Love in Home Senior Care, today. Call (509) 474-0663


Andy Niska